the movie is about a decent girl with good marks of school that later becames to an evil character and does what she's friend Evie does, smoke , drink , drugs her self , sex and other things.
The fault takes maybe the Tracy because she doesn't understand which things are good and which are bad , also Evie takes other part to this because when she becomes Tracy's friend , her life comes worse and even worse when the situation is a real disaster. Evie isn't good role model to Tracy. And i think it could be Adrian's next step of the book we readed.Maybe the difference of two stories, are that Adrian has problems that are normal and they dissapear with a pass of time but Tracy's story is lot worse and she has gone to bad person her self and her life too but Adrian is an soft problem. No i couldn't do this hahahaaa. Yes but it was a long time ago , he was in simultanious problem but in 1 year the bad news dissapeared and the things came good.The answer to the third question maybe is to be cool but it depends if you want to be like others or you don't listen to them .I think tracy isn't an fashion victim because she bought everything in the shops and she made her style.... crazy stile i think . The problem was that the Tracy had a so big change in her life that affected not only to her but also to her family , and her friends , his sociality to talk with others and be a good person.Shocking maybe it was that a young girl was doing so much bad things , so much crimes, and taking her life to no where.